Graphic Design & Web Elements

Print & Digital Application
CD Packaging
Event & Show Posters
T-shirt Art
Stickers & Magnets
Our graphic design work is used for
Signs & Banners
Business cards
Promotional Art
Web Teasers
Personal projects
We are small business friendly!
Revitalize your existing website with fresh
graphic designs, web elements & photos.

Composite Imagery
Honor the legacy of a loved one by restoring important family photos for future generations to cherish.
We masterfully restore your faded, scratched or damaged photos and other imagery to their former glory.
With newly restored prints of your favorite photographs, there is no reason to suffer the loss of your treasured family portraits or historical images.
Composite imagery is when the elements of different photographs are seemlessly spliced together to create one final, perfect image.
These images are seen everywhere including print ads, TV media, commnercial print, web images and and on all social media sites.
So, when you see an image of a jolly Polar Bear in shades, relaxing on a tropical beach, this it's how it's done!
Featured Project
Joanna and Bob are successful, award-winning entertainers, famous for their 1960's-influenced rock-n-roll show. When they decided to marry, they came to CammerCreative to create a unique, retro-influenced invitation booklet contaiining all of the information that guests would need to know about attending their wedding; a Music Festival (with a wedding in the middle). It was an amazing, legendary event.
They were thrilled with their unique and entertaining invitation!